Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Church Celebrates the New Year!

Happy New Year! Several members of our church family gathered on New Year’s Eve to ring in the new year together. A party for all ages began at 10:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and a Watch Night worship service was held at 11:30 p.m.

The Giving Life… The 2010-2011 annual stewardship campaign will begin this week. A letter will be mailed to the congregation announcing the details of the campaign. Please begin NOW to ask that all important question: What is God asking you and your family to give this year to the work of your community of faith? Our commitments to First Presbyterian Church will be dedicated on Consecration Sunday, January 31, 2010.

Stephen Minister Training… Our Stephen Ministers will resume their training on Tuesday, January 5th at 6:30 p.m. This week’s lesson will focus on Depression and the Role of the Stephen Minister.

Wednesday Night Live Hosts Guest Speaker … Mid-week programming resumes this Wednesday, January 6. Supper is served at 5:15 p.m. Activities for all ages begins at 6:00 p.m. The adults will kick-off the January WNL Speakers Series by hosting Dale Blanton from Coastal Counseling Center. Dale holds a masters degree in religious education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, Texas) and a masters degree in professional counseling from Liberty University (Lynchburg, Virginia). He completed a two-year residency in Clinical Pastoral Education through Baptist Medical Center (Jacksonville, Florida) and is a certified Chaplain. Dale is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Georgia. As an ordained minister, he has sixteen years experience in pastoral/educational ministry (Alabama, Texas & Florida) and seventeen years experience in the mental health field. Dale is an active member of Christ’s Church/Camden. In addition to his work through Coastal Counseling Center, Dale is the chairman of the Camden County Family Violence Task Force and a member of the American Red Cross Advisory Committee (Camden). Dale is also a mental health responder through the American Red Cross. Dale has been married to Gail for 30 years, with two daughters and three grandchildren. REMINDER: If you are not on our standing reservation list for supper, please call the church office by noon on Monday at 882-4650.

Congregational Meeting… A meeting of the congregation has been called for Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. in conjunction with the Consecration Sunday Stewardship Report and our first monthly covered dish supper. The purpose of the meeting is to receive a report from the Nominating Committee and proceed with the election of church officers. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting.

1 comment:

Marylee said...

John MacArthur & Pretrib Rapture

Who knows, maybe John (Reformedispy) MacArthur is right and the greatest Greek scholars (Google "Famous Rapture Watchers"), who uniformly said that Rev. 3:10 means PRESERVATION THROUGH, were wrong. But John has a conflict. On the one hand, since he knows that all Christian theology and organized churches before 1830 believed the church would be on earth during the tribulation, he would like to be seen as one who stands with the great Reformers. On the other hand, if John has a warehouse of unsold pretrib rapture material, and if he wants to have "security" for his retirement years and hopes that the big California quake won't louse up his plans, he has a decided conflict of interest. Maybe the Lord will have to help strip off the layers of his seared conscience which have grown for years in order to please his parents and his supporters - who knows? One thing is for sure: pretrib is truly a house of cards and is so fragile that if a person removes just one card from the TOP of the pile, the whole thing can collapse. Which is why pretrib teachers don't dare to even suggest they could be wrong on even one little subpoint! Don't you feel sorry for the straitjacket they are in? While you're mulling all this over, Google "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" for a rare behind-the-scenes look at the same 180-year-old fantasy.