Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Weekly Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church Saint Marys, Georgia - 17th Sunday after Pentecost - September 19, 2010

Hands-On Mission… Today we will commission during worship part of the delegation that will be joining members of White Bluff Presbyterian Church Savannah in a few days of HANDS-ON-MISSION near Nashville, Tennessee. The group will leave early next Sunday morning, September 26 and will return October 2nd and while there will be housed by the Westminster Presbyterian Church. They will be assisting families who have been affected by severe flooding in recent months.

Introducing FIRST MONDAYS…
First Mondays... is an all volunteer association offering members of our community physical help in maintaining their house or residence. Volunteers are offering their time, skills and labor. The homeowner or organization is responsible for all materials
 Examples of Eligible Projects:(not limited to)- small house repairs- painting- weather stripping- lawn clean-up- ramp for wheelchair
 Examples of Ineligible Projects:- construction of new additions- projects requiring extension ladders- roofing- long term maintenance of home or lawns
 How the Process Works:- a community organization (church, agency or civic group) contacts First Mondays- members of First Mondays will visit the site to assess the project- First Mondays will offer an estimate of the materials required for the project- responsible party will determine whether to purchase the materials and move forward with the project- First Mondays will schedule a time for the work to be done which ordinarily will be the FIRST MONDAY of the month, but other dates can be arranged by mutual agreement
For more information: Barbara Ed

Holy Grounds CafĂ© News…This Sunday at The Holy Grounds Cafe, Faith & Film will be discussing the line from the Apostle's Creed, "the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;" with clips from the movie E.T. Looking forward as always to our conversation!

Sunday Afternoon Youth Group… It’s PIZZA and just a fun time to hang out with friends on Sunday afternoons at FPC. Today, Pastor Rick and Pastor Ben will be leading the group in a brief devotional and activities on the lawn! It all begins at 5:00 p.m.

The Good Yarn Circle… Presbyterian Women announces the creation of The Prayer Shawl Ministry under the leadership of Gull Weaver!

The mission of The Prayer Shawl Ministry (The Good Yarn Circle) is the creation of loving prayer shawls (made by our members) for anyone who needs to be "wrapped in prayer". The Prayer Shawl Ministry members knit or crochet shawls that are given to persons who are celebrating a marriage, the baptism of a child, people who are ill or have suffered a loss or are in the middle of a life crisis. There is really no right or wrong way to create these gifts of love and caring. The shawls do not all have to be alike. When a shawl is finished it will be blessed and given to someone to whom it will become a very meaningful gift. There is no time limit to finish your shawl. You can make your shawl at home or within the group that is forming. It's a wonderful ministry!!!! Our group is just getting started!!! If you have any questions, call Mary Smith, PW Moderator at 673 9032.

Wednesday Night Live… Wednesday Night LIVE is now in its fourth week. In case you haven’t heard, Big Messy Art has 'Gone Green' this year!! We're turning everyday items that could be thrown away into art masterpieces! Paper mache, paint, glue, yarn will be our tools as we reuse and renew to create. Join us on Wednesdays and find out what a old hanger and fishing line can become. Supper is served at 5:15 p.m. and BIG MESSY ART and the activities listed below begin at 6:05 p.m.

NEW WNL CLASS FOR YOUTH… Pastor Ben is leading a class for youth (grades 6-12) entitled Youth and Culture!

THE ADULT STUDY GROUP… led by Pastor Rick and Ro Kinson the group is exploring once again topics from the on-line publication The Thoughtful Christian. This week we will continue a three week series on Celtic Spirituality.

CHANCEL CHOIR PRACTICE… This is a perfect time to join the choir as we begin a new season. Rehearsal begins promptly at 7:00 p.m.

Riding for a Cure… Multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system. Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has organized a 150 mile fun ride in numerous cities across the country to bring awareness to the communities they reside and raise funds for the victims of this debilitating disease. In 2001, Elder Chuck Fulton raised over $1400 and was given the coveted “Top Banana Jersey”. Please consider helping him by sponsoring his participation in the North Florida MS 150 on October 2nd and 3rd. If you are interested in sponsoring him, he can be contacted at home ( or 729-8184).

1 comment:

G. HUBBARD said...

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